Svelte Materialdesign Icons

sponsor npm Created by Shin Okada License npm

6980+ Material Design SVG icon components for Svelte.

Thank you for considering my open-source package. If you use it in a commercial project, please support me by sponsoring me on GitHub: Your support helps me maintain and improve this package for the benefit of the community.


GitHub Repo

Original source



Svelte-Materialdesign-Icons License

Templarian/MaterialDesign LICENSE


pnpm i -D svelte-materialdesign-icons


In a svelte file:

  import { Bucket } from 'svelte-materialdesign-icons';

<Bucket />

Faster compiling



IDE support

If you are using an LSP-compatible editor, such as VSCode, Atom, Sublime Text, or Neovim, hovering over a component name will display a documentation link, features, props, events, and an example.


Use the size prop to change the size of icons.

<Adjust size="40" />
<ArrowUpBoldOutline size="50" />
<Bucket size="60" />

If you are using Tailwind CSS, you can add a custom size using Tailwind CSS by including the desired classes in the class prop. For example:

<Adjust class="shrink-0 h-20 w-20" />

CSS HEX Colors

Use the color prop to change colors with HEX color code.

<Card color="#c61515" />
<ChatPlus color="#3759e5" />
<DataMatrix color="#3fe537" />

CSS framworks suport

You can apply CSS framework color and other attributes directly to the icon component or its parent tag using the class prop.

Tailwind CSS example:

<Adjust class="h-24 w-24 text-blue-700 mr-4" />

Bootstrap examples:

<Adjust class="position-absolute top-0 px-1" />

Dark mode

If you are using the dark mode on your website with Tailwind CSS, add your dark mode class to the class prop.

Let’s use dark for the dark mode class as an example.

<Adjust class="text-blue-700 dark:text-red-500" />


All icons have aria-label. For example AccessPointOff has aria-label="access point off". Use ariaLabel prop to modify the aria-label value.

<AccessPointOff ariaLabel="Access off" />

Unfocusable icon

If you want to make an icon unfocusable, add tabindex="-1".

<AccessPointOff tabindex="-1" />


All icons have the following events:

Passing down other attributes

You can pass other attibutes as well.

<AccessPointOff tabindex="0" />

Using svelte:component

  import { ChatPlus } from 'svelte-materialdesign-icons';
  const props = {
    size: '50',
    color: '#ff0000'

<svelte:component this="{ChatPlus}" />

Using onMount

  import { ChatPlus } from 'svelte-materialdesign-icons';
  import { onMount } from 'svelte';
  onMount(() => {
    const icon = new ChatPlus({ target: document.body, props });

Import all

Use import * as Icon from 'svelte-materialdesign-icons.

  import * as Icon from 'svelte-materialdesign-icons';

<Icon.Bucket />
<Icon.Card />

<Icon.Bucket size="30" />
<Icon.Card size="40" />

<h1>CSS HEX color</h1>
<Icon.Bucket color="#c61515" size="40" />

<h1>Tailwind CSS</h1>
<Icon.Bucket class="text-blue-500" />
<Icon.Card class="text-pink-700" />

Other icons
